Quality Policy

General Anaesthetic Services strives to be the best provider of anaesthetic vaporizer servicing in the industry. We concentrate on building a mutually profitable relationship with our customers, ensuring their long term success through the understanding of their needs and also, where applicable, the needs of their customers. Everyone at GAS is accountable for fully satisfying our customers by meeting or exceeding their needs and expectations. Our goal is to continually achieve the highest possible level of customer satisfaction while at the same time we are fully committed to meeting all legal and regulatory requirements.

To help us achieve the above, and conforming to the requirements of ISO 13485:2016, we operate a Quality Management System, the effectiveness and suitability of which is maintained by regular review.

GAS takes a pride in the products and services that we provide and we recognise that the true measure of our quality will always be through the confidence and satisfaction of our customers and that this will ultimately determine the success of our business.

All personnel within the company are responsible for the quality of their work. The company provides training and has established systems to assist all personnel to achieve the standards required. We continually endeavour to produce products and services of which we can be proud. As a demonstration of our commitment, our customers are protected by an unconditional guarantee and if we receive a customer complaint, the vaporizer is first of all replaced and we will then investigate the complaint and take any corrective or preventive action as necessary.

Gas fully understands that teamwork and support by everyone concerned are essential for achieving our quality objectives and we are committed to providing the required leadership, management and resources. We will ensure that the Quality Policy is reviewed annually and communicated to employees and customers.

The quality ethic runs through our organization and influences everything that we do.

Paul Carter
Managing Director